Sunday 1 November 2015


My friend had colon cancer. 
She was very close to me, loved me.
A typical Limbuni, both stern and fun.
Very clean and organized. She'd prepare lunch
in just 30 mins.
When I see people hurting and
 I am unable to help, I tend to run away from them.
When her health started deteriorating,
I started avoiding her.
Every time I saw her I felt 
very helpless.
I could not explain this to people because I knew they
wouldn't understand how I was feeling.
I did go meet her one time when she was in the hospital.
She was in the bed. She was in pain.
She started crying and I just couldn't.
I got up and told her I had to go to work and I left,
 crying the whole way.
She passed away and I couldn't even go to her cremation.
After two three months she came in my dreams.
 She looked her healthy normal self. She said,
'It's okay, I am in a better place'.
I felt glad that she was in a better place,
without pain."
(Abhilasha Subba, Kirtipur)

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